
About Me

My little family. This might be my favourite photo in the whole wide world.  It evokes so many thoughts and emotions when I look at it.
It reminds me that since the birth of our son, our world (as it does for most parents) was altered in such a dramatic way.  Your heart once beating safely in your own chest, abandons you (without so much as a look back) to live, forever-more within your child, the moment you lay your eyes on their sweet little face.

Carter. Oh, my son. I could go on for days. I know every mother thinks their child is wonderful, and each child is, but I didn’t fully understand it until the moment he came into our lives. He never seizes to amaze me. He is smart and adventurous, and has the BEST sense of humour I have ever encountered. What an amazing little soul. I am so thankful to be his mother ever day of my life. (Ok, I will end the gushing there.)

What amazes me about being a parent, as most of you may know, is the instant shift in priorities.  Without making a conscious decision, your little bundle arrives, and your most important purpose becomes guiding your child through life's obstacles and challenges.  All the while instilling the morals and values you hope he will carry with him for the rest of his life.  No pressure, heh heh.

It also gives me the warm and fuzzies for my hunky husband, who happens to be the BEST baby-daddy around. Our son is, how shall I put it, OBSESSED with my husband. That boy loves his big snugly daddy. So do I.

My sweet, remote hogging, lovable, hot, great cookin' husband makes my life interesting everyday and is one of those people that is such an awesome presence that when he's away, it leaves a huge gaping hole in our home.

I have to say that I am very excited about joining all of you out here in Bloggerland. Some days as a Stay-at-Home-Mum (I prefer...the Senior Director/Manager/President of Everything Related to This House), blogging will be my way of staying sharp in all areas of adult conversation and communication. Not to mention I am a creative (scatter-brained) person, and must always have a creative project to work on (obsess about).

Our life has changed a bit in the last few months.  Once residing on the beautiful shores of Georgian Bay in Ontario, I love so much.  We now call the very cool City of Calgary, Alberta home.  I love the west in all its ruggedness and the beautiful rolling foothills just beyond the city's boarders.  Not to mention the Rockies so close by.  Other than Georgian Bay, its my second most beloved place on earth.  If you have never been to that incredible part of the country, you MUST go.  No words describe the beauty and awe inspiring scenery you will encounter.   Canmore Google Images

At home in Ontario, aside from being a Mama, wife, assistant, my parents daughter, my sibling's sister, friend, daughter in law, sister in law I was a youth leader and board member at our little country church.  Doesn't sound like much to some, but it kept me quite busy most days.

I am very driven by a need to make a difference in the world around me.  I am committed to helping teens understand how much God loves them and how they are not alone in this world.  I am also committed to dispelling the myths (created throughout history by Christians...GUILTY!) that God is reachable by religion or a church establishment alone.  I believe that what God wants is relationship with each of us, not for us to be perfect "churchy-church goers".  Don't get me wrong, I think having the right church home is crucial, but fitting a mold and simply going to church is not the most important thing.

I want young people to know this because I know that the strength I am blessed with everyday is from Jesus who is The Senior Director/Manager/President of Everything Related to LIFE, in my life. To Him I am thankful for every blessing and gift we are given. Being a youth leader brings more to my life than I can possibly give back and I will be forever grateful for each friendship I have with some amazing young people who inspire me more than they know.

So here we are in Calgary, carving out a new life for ourselves with a beautiful new house and a handful of loved ones to welcome us to this happening city. A bit scary. A lot exciting.

Less resposibility and free time has been quite a change and a major adjustment for me.  Maybe it will be a chance for me to get back in touch with myself and start a new chapter?  New career?  Only God knows...